So today is September 11th. Well actually it will be the 12th by the time I get this posted, but whatever. But on the anniversary of the tragedy in NY, everyone always talks about where they were and what they were doing when it happened, so I will start with that.
On 9/11/01 I was in the 8th grade taking those wonderfully standardized tests....the ISTEP. I don't remember whose room I was in, but I know they didn't tell us anything about them. After we got done I went to gym and to lunch hearing nothing out of the ordinary.
Then after lunch it was time for english, a class I never really liked. Mostly because of good ole Mr. Atkinson. Not my favorite teacher, but he had enough good judgement to fill us in on what had been going on. And help to explain the significance of the event. But when I walked in, he didn't say anything. We just sat down and started watching what was on the TV. At first I thought it was something he was going to use for class. I knew that there had been an attack on the World Trade Center in NY a few years ago, but this looked a bit bigger.
Once I realized that this was not new footage, but in fact live, I was a little more concerned. Maybe not quite concerned, but more confused. What exactly had happened, and why? I will never forget seeing someone jumping out a window from the building....falling down past all the floors....then have the camera cut away before they had come to the ground. I think by then the towers had both fallen, but there was still plenty of footage to be shown. It was disturbing, and confusing. What would cause anyone to do this? Who did this? And how in the world?
Alot of those questions have been answered, but still not all of them. And I'm just some dude from Greene County, Indiana. I feel bad for all the people who were closely hit by this tragedy. I cannot relate to how you feel, but I am praying for you, praying that God is there to comfort you. Because I know he will be there when you need him.