Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday In the Park
I have listened to it a million times since I got it. I love it. It's got a lot of fun songs and they have a really cool sound.
When I was a kid dad used to play a lot of these songs in the old red truck. I loved that thing. It was a 1987 Ford Ranger. It was a manual, often times no muffler, and you had to rapidly beat on the horn to get the radio to work. We had to get dad to bang on the horn so we could drive down the road and listen to "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?" (track 2 on the cd)]
So it brings back the memories. We kept that truck for years. I drove it for a little while afer i got my license. Then when the snow came Dad wouldn't let me drive it and over winter something happened and it didnt run so well. I wanted to fix it, but they traded it for some labor on the stupid yellow car. I'm obviously still dissapointed. But in the meantime I'll just enjoy the CD, while driving my jeep, while looking for a new car.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Movies | Humor | Groom
That's right, a whopping 21 cents! I didn't know I could buy anything at walmart for 21 cents, let alone TWO dvd's. By the way, has anyone ever heard of these?
Moving on to next thing....Ben just told me a funny story. He said he woke up this morning and his arm was laying above his head, similar to how my arm is in the picture below. He doesn't know how long it was up there, but long enough to be totally asleep. So totally asleep that it was absolutely as numb as it could be. So he rolled his head over and saw a blank space where his arm goes, and since he also couldn't feel it thought, "AAAHHH WHERE'S MY ARM!!" He ended up quickly using his other arm to find his numb one and bang it against the wall until it had feeling again. I laughed at him for this, he's ridiculous.
And last but far from least... most of you know I am engaged, which means that one day in the near future I will be a groom. I like the word groom. I don't know why, but it just sounds like a cool word. But now I know when I will be......announcing! The Wedding of David Arthur and Elaine Holsapple is officially set for August 14, 2010. Location: unkown Time: TBA
Sunday, September 14, 2008
old times
So the other day I wrote about 9/11. Thinking about that got me thinking about me as an 8th grade. I just had to laugh. Whether you think I'm a dork now or not...I KNOW I was in the 8th grade. But when I was in the 8th grade, I never would have thought i would be where I am today. Sitting at home during my third year of college.
But no really, there are plenty of other things I hadn't even thought of in 8th grade that i have been through. At that time, college was just an afterthought. I knew I wanted to go, but where and what for were just things to decide later. Now I've had two years at Harding studying communications and now I'm at Ivy Tech for business to do photography. That's something else I hadn't given so much as a blink, and now I produce better and better images everyday. Girls were a mess in the 8th grade. Now I'm engaged to the girl that my little brother was dating when I was in the 8th grade. Weird. In fact as I typed that, she was on the phone complaining that I mentioned that little fact. (lol ha ha elaine, i still love you). In the 8th grade I was starting to get involved in Youth Group stuff at church, and now I'm about to be in charge of one. High School, graduation, Honduras, driving, relationships, moving to college, moving home, getting engaged, jobs, fun jobs, bad jobs, making money, spending money, countless weeks of camp.... It's been a busy 7 years!
But my point is.....God is amazing. He has blessed me enough to enable me to experience all of that. Nothing would have been possible if God hadn't been behind it. He has given me all the experiences to be the person I am now, and I regret none of it. I've done good things and bad things, but I wouldn't change a thing. And I thank God everyday for all of it. Now as I go on, I just hope that he will continue to bless me in my failing attempt to imitate his Son. Knowing that if I keep that effort as my focus, He will provide for me whatever I need. Thanks, God. Love you.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Remember 9/11
So today is September 11th. Well actually it will be the 12th by the time I get this posted, but whatever. But on the anniversary of the tragedy in NY, everyone always talks about where they were and what they were doing when it happened, so I will start with that.
On 9/11/01 I was in the 8th grade taking those wonderfully standardized tests....the ISTEP. I don't remember whose room I was in, but I know they didn't tell us anything about them. After we got done I went to gym and to lunch hearing nothing out of the ordinary.
Then after lunch it was time for english, a class I never really liked. Mostly because of good ole Mr. Atkinson. Not my favorite teacher, but he had enough good judgement to fill us in on what had been going on. And help to explain the significance of the event. But when I walked in, he didn't say anything. We just sat down and started watching what was on the TV. At first I thought it was something he was going to use for class. I knew that there had been an attack on the World Trade Center in NY a few years ago, but this looked a bit bigger.
Once I realized that this was not new footage, but in fact live, I was a little more concerned. Maybe not quite concerned, but more confused. What exactly had happened, and why? I will never forget seeing someone jumping out a window from the building....falling down past all the floors....then have the camera cut away before they had come to the ground. I think by then the towers had both fallen, but there was still plenty of footage to be shown. It was disturbing, and confusing. What would cause anyone to do this? Who did this? And how in the world?
Alot of those questions have been answered, but still not all of them. And I'm just some dude from Greene County, Indiana. I feel bad for all the people who were closely hit by this tragedy. I cannot relate to how you feel, but I am praying for you, praying that God is there to comfort you. Because I know he will be there when you need him.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I was talking to Rachel Fields about Southland, and mentioned working with them. Then I get a phone call from Bud, the minister there, I went to a meeting today, and I am now working with Southland's youth group. The pay is not much, but it's something. It looks like I have some direction now. I'm still working at the circle k (blech) but I got my raise, so working both jobs should even it all out and hopefully I can save some for that big party thing I'm having soon. I think it's called a wedding ( :) ) but I'm excited, they're excited, and God is awesome.
Long story short. I have a Youth Group I am working with. Pray for me?!?!?!