I did a shoot for my aunt a while back. She just got married about a year or 2 ago, when I first started photography. But her husband's grandkids were in town for like a week, so she wanted me to take some pictures of them with her kids.
This was definetely my favorite shot of the day. This is my cousin Kasey, who I shot using natural light and a diffuser held over her head.
This one was much harder. The two youngest kids were never looking at the camera together in one shot. Plus it was very ugly overhead sun. I ended up compositing two images to get this one...which to me turned out well. But I don't want to do that again...I learned my lesson. Stay Away From The Hard Light of Daytime Overhead Sun!!!
Then I had a senior shoot with Ruth. I'm friends with her older brother and will be taking his wedding portraits in a couple weeks. Would probably be shooting the whole thing if I wasn't in it. But my sister helped out on this shoot, and did a great job. I may be bringing her along more often!
I shot this while standing on a picnic table! Lighting was a Nikon SB-26 triggered with my PovertyWizards and a Lumiquest Softbox 2 used as diffusion. I like it a lot.
This one was difficult. I had to expose for the sky and still light the front of Ruth. I ended up doing a sort of primitive HDR to get the exposure I wanted, but it finally worked.
And last but not least...I shot my first wedding! It was HOT!!! The wedding was an old friend from church at the 4-H camp she goes to in Kentucky. I rented a 70-200 2.8 and had a blast. Went pretty well I would say. The dreaded sun made it difficult, but I would say I survived. Here are a couple of shots from the portraits. I wanted to use the Lumiquest I used in Ruth's shoot, but my good ole PovertyWizards were giving me problems. So diffused sunlight it is!
So there you have it. This is part of what I've been up to lately. You can see the whole set from all of these shoots (well part of the wedding. still working!) on my website, which has been updated! I actuall have stuff on it now! www.davidarthurphotography.com
So now I have to go actually do work. Adios!