Along with being a media junkie, I am a people person. I always made fun of my dad when anytime we go anywhere, he would find someone he knows. I've actually stopped making fun of him for that since the day I got back from my first Honduras trip. We spent most of the day together, and ended up keeping track of how many people each of us saw that we knew. He did ended up seeing more, but for most of the day I was ahead. I just love meeting knew people from all over the world. In the room I'm in know (my dorm), in the past 24 hours, there have probably been people here from about 8 different states. That is definetly something I love about college. I get to meet people from all walks of like. And my involvement in electronic media has directly included that. Just yesterday I helped some latin students shoot a video for future students from latin america. I have no idea what they were saying as it was all in spanish, but now I know several of them. Like Flor from El Salvador (I think that's where she said she was from)
I also love experiencing new things, which is also expanded by my involvement in electronic media. In my 3.8 semesters of college I have filmed basketball and football in dozens of gyms and stadiums, including high school, college, semi-pro, exhibition games, conference games, tournament games, even a couple nationally broadcast games. I've helped film religious videos, intro videos, newscasts, commercials. And that is just video. I've photographed all of that, plus news events, theatrical plays, a mock disaster, portraits. I love doing new things.
Basically, this is the career for me, and I'm glad I chose it. In my short time in the industry, I've met hundreds of people, traveled across the country, and done things very few people can say they have done....and this is only the beginning. Look out media world, there's a tall goofy kid coming your way. Well, I guess you can relax for a while. It's past his bedtime.....
Here's a couple pictures I had Russel take while we were at the Arkansas Twisters Arena Football game tonight. We were shooting for the news.

I told you I've met new people! Ok, so i didn't actually talk to her, we were both busy during the game....but I bet you've never gotten your picture taken with a cheerleader at a football game like this!

Yes, we were right there in front of the action. Yes the players were mere feet from me as I filmed them scores touchdowns. No I did not get trampled. Russel on the other hand didn't have such luck. On one play, the quaterback for Tulsa was tackled as he threw the ball. In the process, the QB and the lineman came tumbling down, rolling towards those of us on the sideline. Many of us had the sense to move out of their way. Russel on the other hand, moved only slightly, thus preventing his knees from being shattered, but not quite far enough to avoid the flailing limbs of the active players. That's right, Russel caught a foot to the crotch, and I was filming the whole time. It was hilarious.
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