so i finnaly got to go see rachel this summer, at her house. and it just so happens that the day i went out there, her little niece marrissa was there too. she is 8 years old and loves to ham it up. we went out to eat at rachel's aunt debbie's resaraunt in kurtz, indiana. we ate, and then we walked around town taking pictures and stopping to talk to francis. then we went to the playground a took pictures here. all these were taken with my d70 and my new 50mm prime.

sorry the formatting is crazy. but im too lazy to fix it. see more here
or here
Hey man nice shots of neice at the park. I really like the ones by the yellow fence. I don't know what I am going to do with you and Noah and those prime lenses. I guess I need to get mine out and start shooting wide open a little more. As for the crazy formating at least make the links hot. Cmon man I hate cutting and pasting links.
lol didnt realize i had done it. ill fix it next time
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