I don't know about you, but it's been kind of cool to experience this week. Only kinda because I had to watch the inauguration on YouTube because I was in class when it was live. But I think it is amazing that there is a black president. We have gone from such a strong prejudice against African Americans that we couldn’t even eat in the same building or drink from the same water fountain...to Barack Hussein Obama being the president of the United States. That in itself is quite a change. It’s something that even the most prominent leaders in the black community didn’t expect to see it. But it happened. By a long shot too! Sorry John McCain, but you got stomped. It was a good effort, but you really did get creamed. It was quite a landslide.
How do I really feel about this? I really have mixed emotions about it. On the one hand above, it is pretty amazing. I think it’s a step forward in America. And Barack Obama is all about change, which is also good for the country. In my opinion, we desperately need someone who can lead confidently, and present information to the citizens with power. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not a George Bush hater. I think he did a lot of things very well (read a lot: not all but a significant amount). But the country was no longer confident or supportive of him. He did get blamed for everything that went wrong in this country for the last 8 years, whether it was his fault or not. A big thing that may have pushed that is that George w. is a terrible public speaker. Probably the worst I have ever seen. Well, expect for that time I saw a kid pee down his leg in front of the school. But still, he's terrible. And I think the fact that Obama is an amazing public speaker is something we need. That will make the country more confident in the president and the status of the country.
On the other hand......I can say that I didn't even vote for Obama. It had nothing to do with his race, but I found that on many issues I disagreed with him. Not that I agreed with john McCain on everything either, but I found myself taking McCain’s side more than Obama’s. I do still hear about a lot of things that Obama wants to do that I do not agree with at all. I won’t get into them here, though. That’s for another time.
But the biggest problem I have with Obama isn’t really about Obama at all. It’s with the supporters and opponents of Obama. Everyone seems to think the guy is either the savior of the country or the downfall. Half of the people I hear say he is going to turn the country and bury it in the ground, taking away all our civil liberties ruining everything we stand for. The other half has the attitude that Barack Obama will fix every problem we have in our country. no more poverty, no more economic fallout, no more terrorism, no more war, no more this no more that, everything will be perfect. I do not in any way think that either one of those things will happen. There is no way he can fix everything in this country, and there is no way he can ruin what we stand for. It’s just not possible. But people still freak out about it.

But there is one thing I do know, we have nothing to worry about. There is still something influencing what goes on in our lives. There is still a way the country can be rid of all our problems. We still have hope...regardless of president Obama. And that hope lies in our lord Jesus Christ. If we can put our trust in him, he can lead us out of this war, this economic disaster, and everything else the devil may throw at us. I still have faith that god is leading our government as much as he is leading me. I am reminded of that every time I hold a piece of American currency in my hand. In god we trust. It is still emblazoned on every dollar bill and every coin we have. If we can just remember that we have someone more powerful than George Bush, more powerful than john McCain, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and every US senator alive. We have god. And I will never trust anyone more. I will never be more confident than I am in god. And as long as we let god lead our lives everyday...nothing can bring us down. So bring it on bad economy, bring it on high gas prices, bring it on racists, and bring it on terrorists! I am not afraid of you or anything else. I have God on my side.
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