But in the morning I am going down to Evansville. I will get to be with Elaine, and will get to meet the people she has been living with. Well, I've met them, but only got about as far as names. But also I am going to go look at an apartment, and then start the job search.
I plan on moving to Evansville after the fall semester. I will have one semester and one summer left at IvyTech, and then I will be done. Then at the end of next summer, I will be having quite an event going on....a WEDDING! We already have a photographer, officiant, location, Elaine's dress, and rings. We're doing pretty good!
But the point of this post is that I'm finnally getting kinda worried. I need to get a decent paying job that will allow me to still be in school. And the job market is bad. And I have to get that job while still living 2 hours away. So I'm worried. It would be easier to not go to school next spring and jsut get a job, but it would be really hard to go back right away after we get married, and I dont want to quit with a freaking semester left.
So really, if anyone looks at this anymore since I negleced it for so long... please pray for me. Pray that I will get a job that I can stand, and will allow me to afford living while going to school. I know God will provide, I just don;t yet know how it's going to work.
I wish I could just live here....

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