Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Yup, that's right. I'm awake. Why you ask? Well Elaine couldn't sleep, so she called. But it's ok, cause I have told her to. Downside is that I lost signal on my phone. She had gotten quiet, and calmed down, so I was thinking she was asleep. So I asked....quietly. Got nothing. Picked the phone up (it was on speaker) and whispered again. Nothing. But this time it was that nothing noise when you don't have signal. So my dilemma is that I think she finally dozed off, but I am not sure. So now I'm blogging...how does that make sense?? Nonetheless, I just prayed for her, and I hope you will, too. Thanks.

But anyway, I'm still working in photography, while doing a million other things. I think people are getting use to me always having my camera. I was taking a few pictures at a family hot dog roast the other day. Came out with one of the campfire I really liked.

Also, I'm starting to work on my website. I hope I can still remember some stuff from that class I took. Will post updates here. Also, I went ahead and made an email address for my photography related stuff. davidarthurphotography@gmail.com I got tired of the horrible format that ivytech had, so make to gmail it is. I really started to like it after Harding switched over. But it's 7 AM, I was going to wake up at 9:30. I should crash now. Adios.

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