It's very difficult to watch someone struggle, knowing you should do something, yet do nothing because you are at a lose as to what to do. So you just sit back and watch......waiting to see how far away rock bottom really is. You try and guess, assuming it's close, but it just doesn't seem to come. It just gets worse. And I still don't know what to do, except regret not doing anything.
I am absolutely and entirely at this point in my life. I am watching someone plummet, and I have no idea how to stop it. Someone I know (no name mentioned because anyone who reads this blog most likely knows this person, too) is headed for rock bottom. She is in college, with a room mate who is a terrible influence, and giving in to pretty much every temptation you stereotypically face in college. Partying, drinking, possibly drugs, possibly sex.... and I don't know what to do. I saw it coming, it began in high school, and I tried to do something this summer....but to no avail. I guess I could have tried harder, but I just don't know what to do.
I have never seen the thrill in alcohol. I do not understand why people feel it is necessarry to drink so much that you lose control of what you are doing, just for kicks. So many things are at risk when you drink. Let's make a list...
1. Accidents while drunk due to bad decisions. These range from...probably shouldnt have stood on that chair, to probably shouldn't have tried to drive home. This is itself can be deadly, both to you and others. And just because you think you are sober enough....probably means that you aren't. I don't care if you think you're a heavyweight. Alcohol effects decision making.
2. Addiction. It's easier than you think to become a drunk. Even easier to look like a drunk to other people. It's not a good look, or a good attitude towards you. All you're good for is alcohol and what you will do when you consume it. That can range so those accidents listed freaking rape. You lose control when you are drunk. You can be taken advantage of when you lose control. It happens.... a lot.
3. IT'S ILLEGAL if you are under 21. and this person is COMPLETELY under 21. jail, permanent record, license taken away. it pretty much sucks.
I don;t know what to do for her. I feel like rock bottom is going to hurt, and I don't want any of those things i talked about to happen, but if it continues I would put money on something happening. injury, alcohol poisoning, drunk driving, rape, arrests.... and i dont know how she can pass classes when she parties as much as i have heard. not to mention dressing up like a whore for halloween. not doing a good job for the whole image here. she looked like she was heading out the the strip club for work. i was disgusted. i hoped she would hit rock bottom sooner, which means heading back up sooner. but no. its bad, really bad. and i have no idea what to do about it. and i know others feel the same way. i get messages from another friend all the time asking about it. im worried sick.
so please guys, anyone who actually reads this. just pray for me. and pray for the others who have to deal with this. pray for the people who are experiencing this. cause it sucks. and i have no idea what to do. and i really dont want to see her hit the bottom.