Sunday, September 7, 2008


So a few weeks ago I updated my facebook status to something along the lines of, "David is looking for direction for the semester" or something like that. But it was weird. Since I'm not at Harding things are kinda weird. Like, I had a lot going on. I was doing a lot that really seemed to be helping me in my future. Most of it was tv and photo stuff. But now I had not so much stuff. So I felt stuck, and didn't know what to do. So I posted that facebook status and prayed about it. No biggie. But now, like 2 weeks later, I found me some direction. Hand written, on a napkin, in God's chicken scratch.

I was talking to Rachel Fields about Southland, and mentioned working with them. Then I get a phone call from Bud, the minister there, I went to a meeting today, and I am now working with Southland's youth group. The pay is not much, but it's something. It looks like I have some direction now. I'm still working at the circle k (blech) but I got my raise, so working both jobs should even it all out and hopefully I can save some for that big party thing I'm having soon. I think it's called a wedding ( :) ) but I'm excited, they're excited, and God is awesome.

Long story short. I have a Youth Group I am working with. Pray for me?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

thats awesome man! keep up balancing work and fun though...

luv ya/ miss ya


Jeff's Photos said...

David it is good to hear that you have direction. Also for a word of encouragement- I spent every college break working at a connivence store and I ended up with a photography career so don't give up. You will be a great youth minister, Plenty of photo opportunities with a youth group. Sounds like to me that you are seeking God's Kingdom first and that is the most important thing that can be done.